At the end of last week our diesel permit was granted and yesterday our diesel was delivered. Houston, we have lift off!

Filling up the generators with fuel
If you want to hear them in action check out this quick video.
Here at OneStep Power it's been a busy busy month, we thought it was about time to update you all on the amazing amount of progress we've made in the last month.
GVRT Trials thus far and all the milestones we've reached!
January 25, 2018 - Our whole team congregates in Houston, Texas
January 31, 2018 - Load banks arrived! 12 x 5600-watt 240 Volt Infrared Heaters
February 1, 2018 - OneStep Warehouse is set up & our team moved in. Meetings with Banks, Accountants, Immigration lawyers, Contract lawyers, applying for permits & generally getting OneStep up to speed in the US.
February 5, 2018 - Our 4 generators were delivered
February 8, 2018 - First 2 printed circuit boards were delivered from overseas.
February 10, 2018 - Complete migration of our website to a new host and the introduction of this blog & our Team Portal.
February 16 ,2018 - Third printed circuit board that was produced in the US arrived
February 18, 2018 - Fine tuning of our 4th and final board design
February 21, 2018 - Major cable installation commenced
February 23, 2018 - Team business cards finally arrived
February 28, 2018 - Diesel delivered & we heard the sweet sweet sound of our generators humming away.
March 5, 2018 - Communications testing to begin
March 12, 2018 - Fourth & final printed circuit board to arrive
There has been so much more going on in the background but this gives you all a brief snapshot of where we're at. We'll be sure to post soon on the next exciting steps in this process that is prototype development.
The OneStep Power Team