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  • Writer's pictureSarah Whiteford

Largest 3D printer for wind, bp plastic renewal plants, Corvus Energy IPO, autonomous vessels

Updated: Oct 5, 2021

It’s Good News Monday!

This Monday we’ll talk about:

  1. GE, Partners Building World’s Largest 3D Printer for Offshore Wind

  2. Autonomous Tug to Embark on Landmark Remotely-Operated Voyage Around Denmark

  3. ORE Catapult Secures Funding for Five Projects to Drive Forward Maritime Decarbonisation

  4. bp and Brightmark to explore developing next generation plastics renewal plants in Europe

  5. Electric Ship Battery Maker Announces IPO

“The ACC printer will be designed to print molds for key components of wind turbines, with sizes up 9,5 meters in diameter and 30 to 60 tons in weight.- Credit: voxeljet”. Image from Offshore Engineer.

GE Renewable Energy is partnering with Fraunhofer IGCV and voxeljet AG to create the world’s largest 3D printer for offshore wind. The goal is to speed up the production of GE’s Haliade-X offshore wind turbine. The Advance Casting Cell (ACC) 3D printer will print molds for components that can be over 60 metric tons, reducing the time needed to create these parts from 10+ weeks to only two weeks. They will also save carbon emissions and transportation costs by avoiding the journey from a central manufacturing plant, instead printing much closer to the worksite. The large format printer will be able to produce sand molds using “Binder-Jetting” technology for molds up to 9.5 meters in diameter. They are expected to have better finish, accuracy, and consistency.

“Sea Machines’ autonomous tugboat Nellie Bly. Credit: Sea Machines Robotic”. Image from gCaptain.

Sea Machines Robotics, a Boston-based company, is launching an autonomous remotely controlled vessel to go on a 1,000 mile voyage around Denmark. The tug Nellie Bly hopes to prove that waterways are ready for autonomous ships. It will leave Hamburg, Germany on September 30th, taking two crew members and having additional visitors on the way to demonstrate the new technology. According to gCaptain, “The project is named The Machine Odyssey, [i]n homage to Homer’s Odyssey and translating to a long purpose-driven and eventful journey.” The Sea Machines SM300 autonomy system will be guiding the Damen Shipyards built ship with path-planning, obstacle avoidance, and control of the voyage. Check out the planned path below.

“Map shows route of The Machine Odyssey project’s voyage. Credit: Sea Machines Robotics”. Image from gCaptain.

“Offshore wind crew transfer vessel. Windcat 1”. Image from Offshore Engineer.

“The UK-based Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult has said it has secured funding for five projects as part of the Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition, funded by the Department for Transport and delivered in partnership with Innovate UK.” 55 projects were funded with a total of £23m from the competition. ORE Catapult is leading or a partner in five of those projects with £3.3m in funding. Projects include:

  • Feasibility into creating a National Clean Maritime Demonstration Hub at ABP's Grimsby docks.

  • Project with Artemis Technologies working on their eFoiler technology.

  • Working with MJR Power & Automation for an offshore wind powered vessel charging system.

  • A data-led emissions management project led by Concept Systems Ltd (CSL).

  • Developing an offshore wind power barge with Aluminium Marine Consultants (AMC).

The UK hopes these projects will help lead to greater decarbonization in the offshore industry. For more details on the projects and the companies involved, check out the original article on Offshore Engineer.

Brightmark recycling facility in Ashley, IN. Image from Brightmark.

bp has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Brightmark, a global waste solutions company, to develop plastic renewal plants in Germany, The Netherlands, and Belgium. Brightmark’s proprietary technology for recycling plastics allows them to convert used plastic into petrochemical feedstocks for new plastic and other applications. Their process “includes items not currently recyclable using conventional mechanical processes (types 3-7), such as plastic film, flexible packaging, styrofoam, plastic beverage cups, car seats and children’s toys.” Brightmark is excited to bring their process to Europe and create a circular economy. Check out more about the partnership in the original article - the pyrolysis recycling method is quite interesting.

“Hydra class hydrogen ferry Nesvik. Image via Westcon Shipyards”. Image from gCaptain.

Corvus Energy is planning an IPO, or initial public offering for later this year on the Norwegian Stock Exchange. “Corvus builds giant batteries for ships such as ferries, cruise ships, and tug boats, and expects the global market for such solutions to be worth $10 billion by 2030.” As battery powered vessels have ramped up, they have seen a larger backlog and are going public to keep up with that growth.

Smile, it’s Good News Monday! :-)


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