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Apr 8, 20225 min read
Mobile Offshore Drilling Units: MODUs
Offshore drilling has grown rapidly over the last 100 years from drilling off the end of a dock to drilling in thousands of feet of water...

Mar 25, 20226 min read
How does deep water drilling work?
The first offshore drilling platform was built in 1897 in California at the end of a wharf, according to How Stuff Works. This was...

Feb 5, 20224 min read
What is a drillship?
Oil was first struck in the United States in 1859 at a depth of 69 feet underground, beginning the U.S. oil industry and oil rush. People...

Jan 22, 20225 min read
Chikyū: World Record Drillship
Chikyū is a drillship built for scientific research, drilling holes as deep as 7,000 meters into the sea floor. The mission is to drill...

Jul 23, 20214 min read
What is a FPSO?
FPSOs, or floating production storage and offloading facilities, help process and store oil and gas offshore. These vessels retrieve,...
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